Hi friends! We have a big update and we hope you’ll be as excited as we are about it. Effective May 1, 2024, we have moved our studio recording operations from our space in the Avenues of Salt Lake City to the beautiful Kiln co-working space in the Gateway district in downtown!
Yes, big update but it’s a good one, I promise. This has been a few months in the works, maybe going to happen, maybe not, but it’s happening and here’s why I’m excited about it:
We will have access to great recording spots at so many more locations! Kiln has 4 locations in Utah, as well as several more around the Western U.S., so this will allow us to meet clients in more places AND have beautiful, consistent spaces to use for recording.
We also will be able to use Kiln’s high quality podcast recording rooms for audio-first shows (great for voice over recordings, audio book recordings, etc), as well as their beautifully designed flex rooms for video-first recording. You know I love aesthetics and design, and that’s one of the reasons I love Kiln spaces. They are very thoughtfully designed to be really nice spaces to work in.
We can focus our team’s energy on producing and strategy instead of splitting it between running a recording studio and a post-production agency. While we’ve loved having a studio space for the past 2 years, it has been a big lift to run both sides of the business, and this move feels like a “work smarter not harder” move.
What will be different for our clients? Not much. When they want to record in person, they’ll just come to our home base at Kiln Salt Lake City (or we’ll meet them at another location) and we’ll record there.
I’ve always been a fan of good change, and this feels like good change. I hope you’ll come visit us at our new home base and I’m excited to share more in the coming months. I also recorded a YouTube video sharing more about the move and our strategy behind it.
We hope to see you in our new home soon!