We’re ending Season 1 of the show with a strategic episode to support you in the big question that any business owner who has been listening is asking themselves: how does a podcast fit into my business? This is an excellent question and we’re answering it with a few more questions. It is well worth it to get clear on the answers for your team, your business, and your brand’s goals before you get too far into producing a podcast for your business. This will set you up to win for the long haul, trust us!
In this episode Tiff and Christine give 3 of the most important questions to ask yourself in order to understand how a podcast best fits into your business.
“We’re not just selling to sell.”
Tiff Tyler
Topics covered:
- (1:02) How much time can you invest in the creation of a podcast?
- (3:30) What is your budget?
- (8:05) What is the return on investment that matters to you?
- (14:40) How to get a free 15 min call with Tiff and Christine
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Links mentioned:
- Tiff Tyler
- Christine Baird
- Aspiring Podcast Hosts & Producers – check out the Think Like a Producer Membership Group
Subscribe to the Podcast!
Many thanks to our production team
- Worthfull Media for audio editing
- Mosaico Productions for video editing
- Amela Subašić for artwork
Transcription of this episode:
(auto-generated, please forgive typos)
Christine (00:04):
Welcome to Think Like a Producer podcast. I’m your co-host Christine Baird.
Tiff (00:09):
And I’m your co-host Tiff Tyler. Being in the podcast industry, being in the content creation industry. This is what we learned, and this is how you can get out of your own way and get started.
Christine (00:20):
You name it. We’ve probably done it. This podcast is about bringing all the wisdom to you. Tune in weekly, to learn how to think like a producer.
Christine (00:36):
It’s the end of the beginning. It’s the end of the beginning. You had it.
Tiff (00:39):
I was trying to get there. Okay. It’s the end of the beginning. So
Christine (00:43):
Just keep going!
New Speaker (00:44):
Just going to keep rolling with it. Keep rolling with it. I love that you keep these in. So welcome to this episode, this is the last episode of season one. We will have a season two, but you know, practicing what we preach. We’re going to take a nice little break. Rest our minds here a little bit and reevaluate. See what worked, what didn’t work. And then start season two, a little bit later on this year. Um, but for right now, we thought it would be great to end the season with three questions to ask yourself about basically how a podcast would fit into your business. Now we have done all levels of episodes. You know, if you have a team, if you don’t have a team, if you’re starting out, if you don’t have a podcast, you do have a podcast and you want to grow in a different way.
Tiff (01:23):
We’ve tried to kind of hit a little bit of everything, but we do think that this is essential to ask yourself three, at least these three main questions as you’re launching your podcast. And the very first question, how much time can you really invest in the creation of a podcast? A podcast is a full production and it’s not to be intimidating. It’s not to say that a solo person can do it. But if this is something that you’re going to be incorporating to, you know, grow your business, grow your audience, grow your community. There needs to be time set aside, not just to do it right, right. Because we don’t really believe this. I mean, there is an essentially wrong way. Yes. Like if we go down this, yes, there’s that you can do something wrong, but overall there’s no like perfect way to launch a podcast or to have a show overall.
Tiff (02:12):
It’s just, am I putting in the time to get what I want out of this? Am I really thinking about the message? Am I writing? Am I recording ahead of time? Right now? What I love about this is that we’re recording episode 30, but we still have four more episodes that are coming out in our season. After we record this episode, like it’s interesting that really to the world only episode 26 has released. Right? But we’re ahead of time. We can take a break and still be releasing new episodes because that’s the way we’re thinking about it. We’re really trying to spend as much time in our time management as possible so that we don’t burn out. We always come to you guys with smiles. Even if you’re listening, I feel like you can hear our smiles. Um, but smiles and energy and, um, professionalism, right?
Tiff (02:55):
Like really thinking about how each episode is going to impact our audience. Is it going to be something that’s really going to be beneficial? Even when we were thinking about this episode, I’d like to be super transparent. We know Christine was like, how were they want to do like a fluffy, you know, just recap of the whole season. I want to make sure that we’re going to give our audience something that they can take away from this last episode. And really, you know, kind of prime us up for season two, as we dive deeper and deeper and deeper. So I appreciate about you, Christine. It’s just like, it’s always going to be good. So it was going to be impactful. So think about how much time you have, whether that’s, you know, if you are running a full-time business, a small business, and you’re putting together maybe five, 10 hours in the beginning of just getting into the concept of the show, starting to record some episodes, just really think about the time that you have. Um, and I think it’s going to help for the next two questions that we have. So Christine, my partner, my cohost, you know, so, so happy for this episode. Um, and this season rep, but what would be the second question that we would tell people to ask themselves if you know, where the podcast, how the podcast can fit into their business?
Christine (04:02):
Yes. So you, no, one’s going to be surprised on this one. What is your budget? If you’re running a business, you have a budget, you have a profit spreadsheet of some kind, even in your head, you have revenue coming in and expenses going out. That’s kind of what differentiates a business from a hobby or a project or something. And it’s earlier for formation stages. So we’re totally candid with all of our clients about pricing and budget. And during the course of this season, we’ve really tried to give you multiple budget levels of options, because we don’t think everyone needs to spend thousands of dollars when they start, even if they are a business. But if you have those resources available, whether it’s going to come out of your marketing budget or branding or some piece of your business, that you already have money set aside, and you can see the power of a podcast to market your brand and develop a really powerful connection with your audience or your customers, then absolutely go for it.
Christine (04:59):
Like we have worked on really big productions where thousands and thousands of dollars a month were spent. And it turned out some really high quality stuff that made a massive impact and grew the business and brought in a huge return. So think about the budget and just be really clear, like where is this money coming from? How much of it is available? Is this a finite amount or do we have already some recurring revenue streams that can fund this indefinitely? Think about obviously money. You know, like we have to buy equipment, we need to maybe invest in editing software or hosting service. We also need to think about who on the team can handle this project, like who has bandwidth, because we’re going to be paying them to do it. If you do end up hiring an outside freelancer editor to come help, obviously that’s an expensive contractor fee, but also think about the resources that you have already available.
Christine (05:49):
Maybe you guys have been producing other kinds of media in your brand. Maybe you already have cameras or microphones or lights or a great space in your office. So if you already have some really good resources that you’ve been using for like social media, or maybe you already make media in your brand, awesome, like think of those as resources you can use on your show and get creative with that. Obviously Tiff and I launched this show during 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic. Like we don’t even live in the same place. We’re obviously recording from our homes. So we were creative with what we had, right? Like Tiff has this amazing lighting setup. Cause she’s a video professional, but that’s like her home, right. That she’s and I’m in my home and I don’t have professional lights yet. I think I’ll probably be investing in them for season two.
Christine (06:38):
But I had this like big natural window. That’s like a south facing window that I knew gave me pretty consistent, good lighting. So it’s like, yeah, I can record in my little home office with this, you know, window. And then I had microphones already, but Tiffany needed to buy one. So just be smart and think about like, do we already have laptops that can handle, you know, uploading and downloading files, maybe you’re already proficient or somebody on your team already kind of knows the Adobe creative suite or a similar like graphic design platform. And they can easily learn like a video or an audio editing software because they’re have some of those skills. Right. So who on your team has already good with writing? Copy who on your team has already got on social media? It doesn’t mean you just have to drop a ton of money, but get really thoughtful.
Christine (07:23):
Like what resources do we have? What is in our budget? Okay. Now we can figure out what to actually invest upfront. And as that’s our hope with you guys and obviously is like our goal with all of our paid clients is the more that you produce a solid podcast. The more you’re bringing in revenue for your business, because you’re attracting high quality clients, your target clients, the people who want to buy from you and that’s just helping to elevate everything. So it’s not only bringing in revenue, but you’re actually, you know, building a better brand. You’re getting great feedback and testimonials. So there’s, there’s non-monetary resources since in their monetary resources. And we want you to think about all of that strategically. Um, if you have a thousand dollars to spend, awesome, you can totally get going with a thousand dollars. If you have $10,000, you can do a lot more. So that’s the budget conversation. It’s totally normal. We know you guys, if you run a business, you have these all the time, but obviously that’s a question to ask yourself to figure out how a podcast fits into your business right now. Right? Of course, it’s fun to think about the future and there’s endless possibilities, but right now, kind of at the beginning, how can this fit? Okay, so this directly leads into the third question. You should ask yourself, Tiff, what is it?
Tiff (08:40):
So you’re investing time, you’re investing money. What will be the return on investment? Um, if you’re new to business, people usually say ROI. That’s what it stands for, return on investment. Um, and for some people with just kind of who we’re talking to, right? Particularly you might have a business that’s already running. You could be doing online courses, you could be selling products, you could be selling like a crazy amount of PDFs for education so that people can understand certain things online. There’s a whole range. How can you use your podcast now to support that? So typically, typically, right, this is not everyone, but typically you can promote these really easily because your show should sort of lead into, uh, the benefit of these products. So if you like, for example, have online courses for a particular thing, maybe for writing, maybe your podcast is really themed about like the biggest mistakes people make with grammar and writing and how to make writing fun and how to tell a good story.
Tiff (09:38):
And it can always lead to, by the way, if you want to learn more, if you want to be a part of my course, here’s how you sign up. Here’s the waiting list. It’s should be an easy transition. If the goal of the podcast is to support your business is to really have a return on investment for your time and money that we talked about a little bit earlier. You can be someone who you’re like, actually my podcast is very different from my business and how do I still, you know, bring my products in. This is where I would say, and you can tell me if I’m wrong, Christine, but I would say that you would probably really be strategic about how you drop these products in. It can still always be in your show notes. They can still always be in your description and resources and things on your website.
Tiff (10:21):
But maybe you actually like have a very clear commercial break on your episode, right? So that it can flow into a nice way that you hear this really when podcasts have been around for a long time and they have sponsors and the sponsors, right, of course are paying the host to play their commercials and their ads, even if it doesn’t quite necessarily fit into the businesses, um, direct services or who you are as a host. And I’m saying this, because we talked about this on brands versus personal, you know, having a separate brand in your personal brand, you might be a motivational inspirational speaker. And you’re getting, you know, ads from a website developer, right? Who’s gonna, who’s like putting on your show and it’s kind of like, it doesn’t quite fit into your brand, but of course it’s a return investment. So having just, Hey, we’re going to take a quick commercial break.
Tiff (11:13):
We’re going to hear from our sponsors. It just gives you more of a professional vibe than going right into an ad. After you’re talking about something, something like super deep and emotional, maybe even mental health and you go right into you. So this is how you can purchase websites. Or this is how you can use a website to grow your business. You just want to be very strategic. So that you’re when you are selling, when you are making money, your audience feels like you are taking care of them. So yes, return on investment. How’s this going to bring the money back from the time and everything, but also just making sure you’re being strategic about this so that as you’re making money, as you’re bringing money into your business, your audiences there with you, they feel taken care of, like I said, but you know, you’re just, you’re not just selling to sell.
Tiff (11:56):
I think I want to make that very, very clear, um, you know, for our podcast in particular, like we talked about how we wanted this to affect people, what our ROI is. And right now our ROI is just audience growth. Like right now, our ROI is just getting more information from people. And it’s not necessarily a direct, like we do have our membership. Yes, we do have offerings and services and things. And you can find that in the show notes. But for, at this current moment, it really is just information. How can we learn more about the audience? So that down the road, when we are selling things that we know is going to really support people, we’re getting the right information from them. So overall, number one, time investment, how much time do I have? Number two, how much resources and budget do I have to invest in this podcast?
Tiff (12:43):
Where my business, and then what is the ROI? Am I selling from sponsors? Am I selling directly, uh, products and services I already have in my business right now is the ROI just learning and growing so that I can understand what I’m going to do down the road. Um, those are the three questions that we think are very important to ask yourself for how a podcast can fit into your business. But this is the last, the final episode of the season and we want to do something really cool. So I’m going to toss the ball again, back to Christine. Um, as we kind of wrap up this episode,
Christine (13:17):
Yes, this is a huge celebration for us. We are so grateful for everyone who’s ever listened or shared or followed the show. It has been so much fun for us. We’re just getting started with literally the show wouldn’t exist. We wouldn’t keep going with it if it wasn’t for you. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It has been so much fun to launch a show together and be the hosts and be the producers like this has been such like a playtime for Tiff and I. So on our season break, we have a little offer for you and we appreciate every single review you’ve ever left of the show on Apple podcasts. And so we just wanted to read a couple because they are so wonderful and we appreciate them so much. And we have an offer for you for anyone who wants to write us a review on Apple podcasts.
Christine (14:07):
It’ll keep the show looking fresh and sparkly and clean to anyone who finds out while we’re on season break. So I’m going to read a couple of our favorite reviews because they mean so much. And then we want to tell you a perk. We have, if you leave us a review on Apple during the season break. So this one’s from Heather, who is a personal friend and who we love, but also she’s a client and listener of the show. Um, her review says, “Loving this. Didn’t know how much I needed this until I listened, Tiff and Christine are masters and what a gift to have their knowledge right here for us. I’ve used so much of what they have taught me already. It’s only been a few weeks and a few episodes. Can’t wait for more.” I mean, Heather, that’s an amazing review. We are so grateful.
Christine (14:52):
We love supporting you with the launch of your show. It’s so awesome to hear that feedback. Um, I’ll just read one more. Cause I really love this one. It’s from KayStar Tyler who happens to be Tiff’s mother.
Tiff (15:05):
Number one fan. My mom is our number one fan and I’m not ashamed to say it.
Christine (15:09):
No, it is such a compliment. So KayStar says, “This is a million bucks. I have literally been waiting for this as I listened to Tiff and Christine, my non-negotiables for 2021 just started forming in my mind. As I listened to each episode, I can see the pathway being cut before me that I can begin to walk. Thank you so much for the springboard into the new year.” Okay, all of these reviews are so awesome. We wanted to share a couple of, because we’re so grateful. Now here is where you can get something really fun from us.
Christine (15:40):
If you will leave us a review on Apple podcasts. So all you do is either go to the Apple podcast app on your Mac or go to the Apple podcast app on your phone. Either one is fine, or if you can access iTunes on a PC, I think that’s being phased out. But specifically to Apple podcasts, go in, you just find the show. You scroll to the bottom. It says, leave a review. So give us a star rating. I mean, five is awesome, but tell us what you think. And then actually write out a review. We just gave you two amazing examples and you submit it. And then you’re not quite done. Screenshot that review an email us at [email protected]. Think like a [email protected], screenshot that review and send it over. And we will select three people who send us the screenshots of their Apple podcasts review of the show to have a free 15 minute call with Tiff and I, where you can literally ask us anything.
Christine (16:40):
There’s a completely dedicated 15 minute call, ask us anything. You can ask us a super technical question, or you could ask us a strategy question or anything in between. And so all you need to do to get in the running is just leave us a review of think like a producer podcast on Apple podcasts, screenshot the review, email us, at think like a [email protected] and we will automatically select three people. And just in case, you’re listening to this after this episode’s been out for a few weeks, don’t think you’re out of the running. We are going to honor this offer all the way until season two starts. So anytime in the next several weeks between season one and season two, if you can’t see season two yet up on your podcast app, it means this is still open offer. We wanted to do this. Does a big thank you to you make ourselves available during the season break.
Christine (17:28):
But also because it really makes a difference when people find the show or someone refers them to the show and they pull it up and they’re like, Oh, people are actually listening. Look like real people leaving their feedback. So we would be so appreciative. If you would tell us what you think of the show on a review. K. I think we did it. It’s been an amazing season. We’re so excited to bring you season two for sure. During the season break, make sure to follow us over on our Instagram at Think like a producer because we’re going to be sharing a ton of content during the season break, just cause we’re not releasing new episodes for a few weeks. Doesn’t mean we’re not going to be giving you a lot of really good stuff. There’s going to be some surprises. We might even end up dropping a bonus episode or on the YouTube channel. So be sure to follow us on all those friends, because we’re going to have some really awesome stuff. There’s going to be offers and there’s going to be free stuff and we want to serve you. So until season two, thank you so much for watching the show.
Christine (21:29):
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Think Like a Producer. This has been a Worthfull Media production. Massive thanks to our team who makes the show possible. Worthfull Media for audio editing, Jorge and Veronica from Mosaico Productions for video editing and effects and Amela Subasic for our amazing artwork and graphics.
Tiff (21:52):
If you want to learn more about how to market, monetize, and grow your podcast, we have a membership group where you can get more access to us and feedback on your show. As a special bonus, you get free access to Christine’s DIY, do it yourself, podcast course when you join the group. Check the link in the show notes for more information.