What kind of podcast show host are you?
Whether you’re a seasoned podcaster or a brand new YouTuber, take this 30 second quiz! It will reveal what type of show host you naturally are and how to play to your strengths.
Question 1: How much free time do you currently have each workday? (Be honest)
A: None, I wish
B: 1 hour
C: 2+ hours
Question 2: How often do people tell you they could listen to you talk for hours?
A: Rarely, maybe never
B: When I do a presentation or speak on stage
C: All the time
Question 3: How many friends could you easily invite as guests on your show TODAY?
A: 50 easy
B: Less than 10
C: 20 but they are all superstars
Question 4: How long have you been working in your area of expertise?
A: Less than 5 – I’ve tried lots of things!
B: 10+ years
C: 20+ years
Question 5: Which do you enjoy more: sharing what you know or listening to other people’s stories?
A: Listening – I am fascinated by people’s insights
B: Sharing – I love talking about what I know
C: Pretty equal – I’m a good conversationalist with my kind of people
Ok, ready to see your results? Tally up how many questions you answered A, B, or C to.
If you MOSTLY answered:
A — you are The Curator! Click HERE to learn what that means.
B — you are The Expert! Click HERE to learn what that means.
C — you are The Maven! Click HERE to learn what that means.