We’re talking biz today on the podcast, specifically marketing strategy. If you’ve heard the term “content marketing” you know that it is considered the very best way to market your brand. Essentially it means that you use your brand’s best content (educational information, entertainment, thought leadership, etc) to market your business. By sharing your best information with your target market, they see you as a trusted expert, and they are more likely to buy from you. Podcasting is really great at this.
In this episode Tiff and Christine pull back the curtain on how podcasts make content marketing a breeze and how you can master this skill for your brand.
“What is my content begging to become?”
Christine Baird
Topics covered:
- (1:35) How to share your podcast on multiple platforms
- (8:56) How master marketers do this
- (12:16) Where to learn more about content marketing
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Links mentioned:
- Tiff Tyler
- Christine Baird
- Aspiring Podcast Hosts & Producers – check out the Think Like a Producer Membership Group
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Many thanks to our production team
- Worthfull Media for audio editing
- Mosaico Productions for video editing
- Amela Subašić for artwork
Transcription of this episode:
(auto-generated, please forgive typos)
Christine (00:04):
Welcome to Think Like a Producer podcast. I’m your co-host Christine Baird.
Tiff (00:09):
And I’m your co-host Tiff Tyler. Being in the podcast industry, being in the content creation industry. This is what we learned, and this is how you can get out of your own way and get started.
Christine (00:20):
You name it. We’ve probably done it. This podcast is about bringing all the wisdom to you. Tune in weekly, to learn how to think like a producer.
Christine (00:31):
I feel like your mic is still kind of hot, cause your S’s are like a little buzzy,
Tiff (00:37):
Super hot S’s better. I turned it down a little bit. I can turn it down more.
Christine (00:41):
I think that’s better.
Tiff (00:44):
Checking, checking okay, great. Couldn’t use it anyway. All right. Take five.
Christine (00:48):
Great first take.
Tiff (00:50):
Yes. Take two. Okay. Welcome to this episode of think like a producer today, we’re going to talk about how podcast is master content marketing. A lot of big words. We’re going to make it very simple for you. So basically when we typically bring up podcasting, when we get our individual client conversations, a lot of people are just, how do I get more people to listen to the podcast? I got to get everyone from all of my followers, from all my other accounts, my YouTube, my Instagram, my Twitter, whatever, all over to the podcast. So I can have millions of downloads, but we would argue that your podcast is actually a great way for you to create more content across all those other platforms. So this is your show, right?
Tiff (01:31):
This is your idea. This is your perspective. This is your unique take on the world. However, you’re deciding to do it. If you’re reviewing movies, if you’re interviewing people, if you’re taking a political stance, it’s the great thing is, is you, it’s your show. You can do whatever you want, but we just don’t want you to necessarily think that once you have a podcast, now that’s where you need to funnel everyone. Everyone needs to go. You can actually think of it in a reverse way. Your podcasts now can be cut up into smaller pieces, smaller, unique perspectives, and posted across all your different platforms. I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself. Christine, let’s just break down and define what content marketing is.
Christine (02:08):
So as we know, there are an abundance of platforms to share your content on. And when we say platforms, we’re talking social media, but also email blogs, guest articles on other like actual editorial websites. So platform, platform, platform, we’re in an era of all, a lot of platforms. And like Tiff said, it can be really overwhelming if you try and be everywhere at once or try and use the same piece of content on every platform and then get very mixed results. So we’re going to break down. What if you’re unfamiliar with the term content marketing is in a really simple way. And then how we’ve seen podcasters use that idea of very effectively because their podcasts are, is so content marketing means that your marketing, your business or your brand or whatever you’re about using your content. So instead of just creating ads, you’re actually creating content that people want to consume, that they learned something from, and that sort of under the surface is marketing you because obviously you’re the source of the content.
Christine (03:11):
So then they start to think of you as the source of really good content, which would of course lead them to eventually buy from you when they need the thing that you sell. Okay. That was the most basic way to explain content marketing, but it’s a huge thing obviously for any business and whether you’re a super small, like you’re a solopreneur, just, you are the only person in your brand or you’re working for a huge company. Content marketing is massive and podcasting is uniquely sort of built to make content marketing really easy because podcasting kind of in its simplest, most basic definition is long form content that is just begging to be repurposed. So this is like just some simple examples to kind of get you thinking bigger about this. Let’s say you record a 30 minute episode every week. And in each episode you’re covering a certain piece of your topic.
Christine (04:08):
That’s really interesting to your target audience. Well, 30 minutes of spoken content is actually a lot of written content. If you’ve ever had one of your episodes transcribed, you get that transcription back. It is a good amount of words. So you can think of that right off the bat as a blog post, as something that you kind of edit down and put into either your emails, or you could put, maybe you’re a big writer on medium or LinkedIn or wherever you teach or share your expertise. Every single episode can immediately become a blog post or a piece of written content just from your transcription. Obviously you’ll shave some of it off and kind of cut out the chitter chatter. But every episode likely is going to give you a really nice long form piece of written content and, um, you know, think strategically for you what that will make sense, but probably you either have a blog or an email list or something like that that you can share that written content on.
Christine (05:08):
So that’s kind of easy peasy on almost automatically. If you’re just recording an episode, you have a piece of written content that you can use. Okay, now let’s talk about some other platforms. Let’s say you’re really active on Instagram. Most companies and brands are these days. It’s a pretty popular platform. So as we all know, Instagram is a visual platform and you may be like, well, what’s the easiest way to use my audio podcast on a visual platform? Well, we’ve covered this in other episodes, but we’re really going to break it down today in a strategic way. Think about all the ways that you can take tiny little clips of that audio and either turn them into an Instagram caption, right? Long Instagram captions, where you’re actually teaching something or saying something really insightful or adding a lot of value. Those do really well. So your, that you select might, I mean, it could be anything relevant to your brand.
Christine (06:00):
Maybe it’s a picture of you. Maybe it’s a picture of the concept you’re trying to illustrate. Maybe it’s something really beautifully graphically designed that, you know, you guys know what I’m talking about. There’s all sorts of ways to create images that represent your podcast, but maybe the more important part of that post is actually the written content where you just take a little section, you know, just a, like a paragraph from your transcript and you reformat it now, obviously because we talk about video on this podcast. Yes. If you’re filming your show, you would take the video of the inter-, you know, the episode, whether it was an interview or not, and you can take tiny little slices, right? 15 seconds slices, 30 seconds slices, 60 seconds slices. Or maybe you realize you’re going to capitalize on Instagram TV or I’m Facebook video. And you’re going to actually create like three to five minute clips.
Christine (06:51):
There’s all kinds of ways. These platforms let you repurpose content now. And so you just want to be really thoughtful about what is this platform one rewarding the most like on Instagram right now it’s reels. That’s kind of like their copycat version of things. Talk, that’s the new product. That’s what they’re promoting. So anyone who’s doing reels is kind of getting the best reward from their algorithm. So you might do reels. It might make more sense for you to just do still images because your audience loves reading the stuff that you write. You know, maybe you have a really kind of more information, rich type of content where they need to be able to see it. Cause you’re listing out like specific terms or lists of things. So just the sky is the limit, but we just want to kind of start to jog your ideas, to realize like, Oh yeah, I’ve created this huge piece of content I can.
Christine (07:41):
If we’re talking a 30 minute piece of content that I can cut down to like 15 or 30 seconds, that’s a lot of little pieces of content. And the main point we wanted to make here is you’re going to want to create different pieces of content from that original episode for each platform, you would create something very different for Pinterest than you would for Twitter. Pinterest is a visual search engine. Twitter is designed to like, you know, spat out little blurbs of text. So obviously it’s come a long way, but originally kind of like the backbone of Twitter is more of this like quick little micro conversation. So think about one, what you enjoy doing. Of course, don’t get into waters that you don’t enjoy because that’ll lead quickly to burn out. But think about too, like what is my content kind of begging to become, you know, if I have video content, obviously it will make a lot of sense for me to repurpose that on Instagram TV, Instagram reels, Instagram stories, Instagram posts, same could be said for Facebook.
Christine (08:43):
Um, but if you have content that’s actually really well suited to writing. Like if you know that the way that your audio translates into written is really strong, then you may focus really heavily on your emails and blogs and LinkedIn articles and things like that. So again, the point of this little chapter of the episode is think about each platform where you can make the most impact what you enjoy and what your content is well suited to, and then create little tiny pieces of content from your big episode to fit those platforms. K Tiff. I know that we have some really smart people that we use as references when we talk about this idea. So kind of tell us about the bigger strategy behind doing this.
Tiff (09:28):
Every piece of content that Christine was just talking about has its own unique purpose, right? So not everything is a call to action. Listen to the podcast. It can be just, I want to inform someone on a particular thing that’s happening in the world right now. I want my listeners to get to know who I am right now. So I’m going to post this like 15, second reel, like Christine mentioned about where I grew up or something about me, particularly as the host or the creator of the show. Um, or just the influencer in general, people that we really love. Brendon Burchard, Gary V a lot of influencers you guys can probably think of in your head as we’re breaking down content marketing right now, they have used not just any current podcasts that they have out now, but they have gone back, back, back into back catalogs of their show.
Tiff (10:11):
That’s the great thing is that this 30 minute pieces hour long piece that you posted this week, but if you have 50 episodes in the bank, you have so much content you can repurpose. And we kind of covered this a little bit on our episode when we were asked, what is good content, uh, where we just gave a bit of strategies of how we think of what really serves your audience. But another thing I want to add onto that and this for the particular point of this episode is that it’s okay to be as simple as possible. That 30 minute episode, that 60 minute episode can turn into 10, 15 pieces of content, not just now, but three months from now. Um, it’s really just depends on what’s going on in the world where your audiences at, uh, but just looking at these other people, these other creators that you really love, like we mentioned, Brendon Burchard has, he does a really, really good total like teaching.
Tiff (10:58):
And he’s been posting a lot about this lately on his Instagram, as of this recording, uh, he’s just been posting online about how he breaks down content and the importance of using your podcast for this kind of marketing and Gary V I mean, he’s just built a production machine. I would say there’s so many producers, shooters and editors who are taking his content from him blogging and being all around the world, even now with, uh, where we’re currently at, where everyone’s at home, he’s got this coffee kind of conversations. He’s not called that, but he sipping coffee. He’s having tea and he’s has guests interviews. And it’s got, he’s got these long, very like hour long posts on his YouTube channel, but he’s breaking down the most important points and what people really liked and resonated with and putting that across all of his social media.
Tiff (11:40):
So our argument here is just to let your podcast support you in all aspects of your business, all aspects of your audience growth, we call it something that we use a lot is the call to action. The call to action at the end of every post. What are you trying to get people to do for us? It’s always just trying to get people to know who you are, your show, your content, the story that you’re trying to tell a little bit more than trying to let everyone know you have a podcast. It will be there, it’ll be LinkedIn, your profile. It will be linked in your YouTube description. Don’t worry about people finding all the different avenues. But if right now you’ve got a very big audience on Instagram catered to them, like give them everything that they need to learn and to grow and to follow you along in your journey, but also support that community. So I don’t want to get too repetitive here. Um, but that’s basically some of the people that we like Gary Vee, Brendon Burchard, of course, like I said, you probably have a couple of influencers or people you see online posting. We’d love to hear about it. So leave a comment for maybe any other influencers that are really doing content marketing well that you really like to share with the rest of the community. So we can all learn from each other. Um, Christine, is there anything else you want to say on this particular topic?
Christine (12:48):
Well, this is a huge part of building a business in today’s world. So if this was really kind of getting your ideas going and you want more, we absolutely recommend checking out some of the free resources that Brendon and Gary have. It’s pretty easy to find them. You can either go to their websites and they’ll pretty quickly like show you where to go. But this is like a much bigger conversation about marketing in general. So if this is something you’re really interested in, we can dive deeper, just send us a DM or an email and let us know, you know, Hey, I really love this. I want to know more. Or if you’re ready to just dive in the deep end, there are great resources out there to kind of help you understand content marketing and repurposing what we call big content to become micro content. So welcome to the world of content marketing. This is a little entry offering and we will definitely, you know, be covering more of this strategy in future episodes. But if you enjoy the show, it would mean the world. If you would subscribe and leave us a rating and review on Apple podcasts, of course, check out the YouTube channel and we will see you on the next episode of think like a producer.
Christine (20:59):
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Think Like a Producer. This has been a Worthfull Media production. Massive thanks to our team who makes the show possible. Worthfull Media for audio editing, Jorge and Veronica from Mosaico Productions for video editing and effects and Amela Subasic for our amazing artwork and graphics.
Tiff (21:22):
If you want to learn more about how to market, monetize, and grow your podcast, we have a membership group where you can get more access to us and feedback on your show. As a special bonus, you get free access to Christine’s DIY, do it yourself, podcast course when you join the group. Check the link in the show notes for more information.